The Source has posted a panel preview of next month's Knight & Squire. Knight & Squire is quite a charming mini-series about the British mirror of America's Batman & Robin. The Knight (2nd generation, he used to be Squire beofre his dad, the first Knight, popped his clogs) lives in a Castle rather than a batcave, drives a motorcycle, dates a fictional version of Cheryl Tweedy and knocks around with a teenage girl called Beryl (or Squire).
Anyway, Wossy cameos:
"From Superman vs. Muhammad Ali to even stranger appearances such as Orson Welles and John Walsh, celebrities have a long tradition of showing up in the DC Universe. This year won’t be any different, as British comedian and television host Jonathan Ross will appear in next months’ KNIGHT & SQUIRE #5.
Here are a few words about Mr. Ross’s cameo from the Knight & Squire creative team:
It’s an absolute pleasure to feature Britain’s most famous comic fan, collector and now professional in an issue of Knight and Squire, and thanks very much to Jonathan for being such a sport in allowing it to happen. I’m only sorry we haven’t given him powers and a costume.
- Paul Cornell
Capturing Mr. Ross’s boyish good looks and natural charm was an artistic challenge, getting his suit right, an artistic triumph!
- Jimmy Broxton
Look out for Jonathan Ross in KNIGHT & SQUIRE #5, on sale in February."
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